A poem - Ships in Shades of Night - Vingrom 1962 by D Keegan
Where shades of night, fall soft and slowly
on this heaving restless grave,
and low hung stars flirt unashamed,
with phosphorus globes,
flung by the waves.
Where shadows - , dimly lit,
ladies of the sea weave on.
Their course set straight it seems,
to the Sky,
with glittering stars ahead, and, in their wake,
a following haunting trail
that will linger awhile, but fade,
When the foam lies dead.
Where the gentlest breeze, kissing suntanned skin
The Watch, stand shawdowed,
mesmerised, their silence keeping
A ship, and an ocean.
Breathing together, neither of them
Ever quite sleeping.
Till now.
Gale ( 26 Jul 2017 )